The Communiqué No. 2023/3 Amending the Communiqué on the Printing Method of Checkbooks and the Determination of the Amount that the Banks are Liable to Pay to the Bearer has been published with the Official Gazette dated 28 January 2023 and numbered 32087. In accordance with the Communiqué, as of the date of 31 January 2023, the amount which the banks are liable to pay with respect to partially or fully bounced checks is being increased by the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye.
While the amount that the banks are liable to pay in relation to partially or fully bounced checks is being limited to 3.000,00 Turkish Liras as of the date of this legal update, the relevant liability amount will be applied as 6.000,00 Turkish Liras as of 31 January 2023 pursuant to the provisions of the Communiqué.
It bears importance for the persons who will submit checks to the banks to take relevant increased liability amount which are effective from 31 January 2023 into consideration.