The Daily Cash Subsistence Allowance has been Determined as Net 170 Turkish Liras for Seafarers

As the subsistence allowance in the amount of 98 TL paid to the seafarers for whom no food service is established are falling behind of the increasing staple food prices in current conditions, it was decided to determine the daily cash subsistence allowance to be paid to each seafarer as 170 TL which is to be applied to all coastal areas and lakes with the Decision of the Seafarers’ Subsistence Allowance Determination Board from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security dated September 1, 2023 and numbered 32296 that has been published in the Official Gazette.

In determining the daily cash subsistence allowance of 170 TL, considering the seventh article of the Regulation on the Place of Residence, Health and Subsistence of Seafarers which reads that “(…) The basis of the allowance to be paid is the amount of receivable that will provide the normal daily food that a seafarer is required to receive according to his/her duty.“, the arithmetic average of the prices of the items included in the year of 2023 Antalya, Istanbul, Izmir, Samsun, Trabzon provincial centre consumer price index of the Turkish Statistical Institute for the year 2023, the arithmetic average of the prices of the items has taken as the basis for the food composition according to the Regulation for the year 2023, the food prices determined by the labor contracts and collective bargaining agreements and the food prices applied to the seafarers, and the food composition that will provide 4800 calories according to the nutrition list prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation has been taken into account.

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